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Old Shoes
oil on panel 16" x 20"
I don’t paint to explain the meaning of anything,
I just paint as I have for 60 years.
When I was four my brother and I were taken from the hills of Mountainville, NY to an abandoned prison of war camp in the desert of Roswell, NM.
Orchard Park had rows and rows of broke down buildings with barbed wire all around it keeping everything in.
All the sad prisoners had gone home and they explained where they had been, kissing and hugging while two little boys walked around the desert wondering where in the world they were.
I made pencil drawings like a four year old on three hole paper and went door to door selling them for a nickel and the people seemed happy with the deal in the middle of nowhere.
One day while walking home from the school bus I found an old spray can in an empty building and a rusty old nail.
I stuck the rusty nail in the top of the can which in turn made it spray paint my face silver that would not come off and it was my first experience with paint.
Sixty years later I live on a mountain and paint.
Grandpa told me to paint.
He said... “Junior paint..."
I don’t paint to explain the meaning of anything,
I just paint as I have for 60 years.
When I was four my brother and I were taken from the hills of Mountainville, NY to an abandoned prison of war camp in the desert of Roswell, NM.
Orchard Park had rows and rows of broke down buildings with barbed wire all around it keeping everything in.
All the sad prisoners had gone home and they explained where they had been, kissing and hugging while two little boys walked around the desert wondering where in the world they were.
I made pencil drawings like a four year old on three hole paper and went door to door selling them for a nickel and the people seemed happy with the deal in the middle of nowhere.
One day while walking home from the school bus I found an old spray can in an empty building and a rusty old nail.
I stuck the rusty nail in the top of the can which in turn made it spray paint my face silver that would not come off and it was my first experience with paint.
Sixty years later I live on a mountain and paint.
Grandpa told me to paint.
He said... “Junior paint..."

oil on panel 11" x 14"
My mother and I went all over the world and through wars in far off places. We lived in that abandoned prison of war camp.
There was an old phone booth in the middle of the desert we would walk to and used to call home and she would tell them she missed them and about what it was like living in that camp, in the desert.
In the winter we would walk through the cold desert blowing snow to the booth that connected us to the world, then one day we got a party-line phone and the world changed again.
My mother and I went all over the world and through wars in far off places. We lived in that abandoned prison of war camp.
There was an old phone booth in the middle of the desert we would walk to and used to call home and she would tell them she missed them and about what it was like living in that camp, in the desert.
In the winter we would walk through the cold desert blowing snow to the booth that connected us to the world, then one day we got a party-line phone and the world changed again.

The Beginning of Missing
oil on Panel 30" x 40"
I think she stood there for hours watching the ship leave, knowing it would be the last time. She stood there until the smoke disappeared over the horizon and an emptiness replaced it and then went home, her life had changed. A moment in time for her and no one else, until now.
I think she stood there for hours watching the ship leave, knowing it would be the last time. She stood there until the smoke disappeared over the horizon and an emptiness replaced it and then went home, her life had changed. A moment in time for her and no one else, until now.

Angel of Orchard Park
oil on panel 16" x 24"
There we were, my brother and I, two little boys walking around wondering where we were and how we got there. Just days before, we were playing with grandpa thousands of miles away in the Catskills. You can never tell when the worm will turn and it had turned and will again many times.
There we were, my brother and I, two little boys walking around wondering where we were and how we got there. Just days before, we were playing with grandpa thousands of miles away in the Catskills. You can never tell when the worm will turn and it had turned and will again many times.

The Immigrants
oil on panel 16" x 20"
It was a long walk from Ecuador with two little children. In the early Texas morning they boarded a plane headed for New York. I gave her my honeybun and juice, then they slept, their lives changing with every mile, going six hundred miles an hour.
It was a long walk from Ecuador with two little children. In the early Texas morning they boarded a plane headed for New York. I gave her my honeybun and juice, then they slept, their lives changing with every mile, going six hundred miles an hour.

On the Deleware
oil on panel 30" x 40"
Nothing makes you feel more alone than being alone.
Nothing makes you feel smaller than the bigger things in life.
Nothing makes you feel more alone than being alone.
Nothing makes you feel smaller than the bigger things in life.

Honey's Cafe
oil on panal 16" x 20"
We were hungry and out of gas driving home from Lyle Lovett. There was nothing around. Deposit New York is a little hamlet on the Delaware River with two buildings it seems. One a gas station and the other a step back in time that waited just for us to show up. They must have waited a long time with years of cars speeding by on their way to the city while sleepy trout meander through that cold river.
We were hungry and out of gas driving home from Lyle Lovett. There was nothing around. Deposit New York is a little hamlet on the Delaware River with two buildings it seems. One a gas station and the other a step back in time that waited just for us to show up. They must have waited a long time with years of cars speeding by on their way to the city while sleepy trout meander through that cold river.

Band of Brothers
oil on panel 8"x10"
From the small dead end road on the mountain to Washington DC we flew on an Honor Flight and became the mountain's Band of Brothers.
From the small dead end road on the mountain to Washington DC we flew on an Honor Flight and became the mountain's Band of Brothers.

The Burning of America
oil on panel 24" x 24"
I think about Vietnam and those hard days. I think about my father packing powder into a large gun on the USS St. Paul in the South Pacific, WW II, his brothers in Europe and his father and his father's brothers and their father going back to Charles Foddrill crossing the Delaware with Washington fighting at Bradywine and Trenton...
I hear them cry
I think about Vietnam and those hard days. I think about my father packing powder into a large gun on the USS St. Paul in the South Pacific, WW II, his brothers in Europe and his father and his father's brothers and their father going back to Charles Foddrill crossing the Delaware with Washington fighting at Bradywine and Trenton...
I hear them cry

Texting 1
oil on panel 8" x 10"
Texting at sunset is always so wonderful...
Texting at sunset is always so wonderful...

Texting 2
oil on panel 8" x 10"
... and texting with a fine cabernet in a red cup on a Sunday afternoon is great...
... and texting with a fine cabernet in a red cup on a Sunday afternoon is great...

Texting 3
oil on panel 8" x 10"
... but early morning texting is the best.
... but early morning texting is the best.

San Antonio Girl
oil on panel 8" x 10"
Sam lives 1939 miles from my mountain. She takes pictures of everything. Sometimes I visit and take pictures of her.
Sam lives 1939 miles from my mountain. She takes pictures of everything. Sometimes I visit and take pictures of her.

Where Elepthants Fly
oil on panel 8" x 10"
My two granddaughter's Liberty and Hope flew round and round on a flying elephant beneath the mountain cliffs and drank some strange drink with pearls in it then we went home.
My two granddaughter's Liberty and Hope flew round and round on a flying elephant beneath the mountain cliffs and drank some strange drink with pearls in it then we went home.

Going to School
oil on panel 8" x 10"
I built a house for my girls so I could take them to the school bus. We would walk and talk about everything and the grass was really tall.
We talked about a gorilla, The One and Only Ivan, who sat behind glass being stared at. Ivan said the glass lets him know "he is this and you are that."
I built a house for my girls so I could take them to the school bus. We would walk and talk about everything and the grass was really tall.
We talked about a gorilla, The One and Only Ivan, who sat behind glass being stared at. Ivan said the glass lets him know "he is this and you are that."

Squeaky Clean
oil on panel 8" x 10"
Hot water is a blessing.
Hot water is a blessing.

Mary of Hannaford
oil on panel 8" x 10"
Grocery shopping is a hard thing, You move the food eight times before you eat it. From the shelf to the cart, from the cart to the belt driven register,from the belt to the bag, bag to the cart again, cart to the car, car the the counter, counter to the shelve, shelve to the pan... and you pay a lot for all that work and Mary makes me pay for it with a smile.
Grocery shopping is a hard thing, You move the food eight times before you eat it. From the shelf to the cart, from the cart to the belt driven register,from the belt to the bag, bag to the cart again, cart to the car, car the the counter, counter to the shelve, shelve to the pan... and you pay a lot for all that work and Mary makes me pay for it with a smile.

What Do You Do Down There?
oil on panel 8" x 10"
Jr. the dog person never likes stairs so he watches me always going down into another world he does not know. He wonders what I do down there and what it must look like. There a different variations.
Jr. the dog person never likes stairs so he watches me always going down into another world he does not know. He wonders what I do down there and what it must look like. There a different variations.

Steve Lennon
oil on panel 8" x 10"
On a trip one day to Woodstock my friend and I found these glasses. I told him to put them on and right there he became Steve Lennon.
On a trip one day to Woodstock my friend and I found these glasses. I told him to put them on and right there he became Steve Lennon.

Blowing on the Mountain
oil on panel 8" x 10"
Blowing on the mountain attracts the eyes of the night. The owl would respond sometimes with "whooo... who...whos as the peepers kept tempo and fireflies danced around following those notes through the crisp night air. Then the mountain went to sleep.
Blowing on the mountain attracts the eyes of the night. The owl would respond sometimes with "whooo... who...whos as the peepers kept tempo and fireflies danced around following those notes through the crisp night air. Then the mountain went to sleep.

Self Portrait
oil on panel 8" x 10"
Here's looking at you kid...
Here's looking at you kid...

Tying on a Fly
oil on panel 8" x 10"
In Montana, in the Sapphire Mountains, there is a creek with this huge rock standing on end in the water. With the knowledge I have about rocks I know this one has been there a very long time.
In Montana, in the Sapphire Mountains, there is a creek with this huge rock standing on end in the water. With the knowledge I have about rocks I know this one has been there a very long time.

It's My Bone
oil on panel 8" x 10"
Jr always gets new bones and he has a collection of his favorites but this one is special.
Jr always gets new bones and he has a collection of his favorites but this one is special.

Spraying the House
oil on panel 8" x 10"
I built this big house out of things like Legos that gets filled with cement then I had to paint it. Sarah and I sprayed 80 gallons of paint on it.
80 gallons is a lot of white and grey paint.
Every morning when we walked in we brought the only color into this white and grey world. It was noticeable like in a coloring book and we were the color.
I built this big house out of things like Legos that gets filled with cement then I had to paint it. Sarah and I sprayed 80 gallons of paint on it.
80 gallons is a lot of white and grey paint.
Every morning when we walked in we brought the only color into this white and grey world. It was noticeable like in a coloring book and we were the color.

Keeping the Fire
oil on panel 11" x 14"
There is a defined relationship between a man and his fire, an almost ritual. Cross legged he sits blowing through a little tube.
There is a defined relationship between a man and his fire, an almost ritual. Cross legged he sits blowing through a little tube.
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